Library of Congress Subject Headings | Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Map of Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) Within Two Levels of 'Nature Photography'

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citiscape photography photography of nature field photography documentary photography depth of field (photography) daguerreotype chronophotography color photography collotype composition (photography) calendar art black-and-white photography available light photography astronomical photography architectural photography art and photography ambrotype action photography multispectral photography microphotography macrophotography literature and photography legal photography kirlian photography infrared photography images photography indoor photography historiography and photography heliotype haiku in photography eye movements photographic measurements electrophotography electrooptical photography zoom lens photography wide angle photography trick photography tintype stereoscope stage photography spirit photography repeat photography portrait photography photosculpture photomechanical process photogenic drawing photography, tropical photoceramics orthophotography photojournalism commercial photography travel photography landscape photography marine photography outdoor photography dredging (biology) biological specimens collection and preservation natural history technique geological specimens collection and preservation nature photography street photography nature cinematography wildlife cinematography wildlife photography nature centers nature trails school gardens nature observation nature study photomicrography aerial photography photographic interpretation medical photography education photography, biological photographic surveying meteorological photography photography, ballistic photography of the invisible schlieren photography photography, military photography, shadowgraph aerial photography radiography, high-speed radiography photographic dosimetry telephotography cinematography phototelegraphy auroral photography photography scientific applications applied photography photography